
Search results

  1. Tour the Solar House, Columbus

    home designed to house a three-person family. Free. ...

  2. Study Abroad: Australia/New Zealand/Antarctica Information Session

    session to learn about the  Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand  Environmental and Natural Resources ... study abroad programs which are open to all majors.  The Australia and New Zealand programs are four ...

  3. Advice I would give to my Freshman self

    CFAES graduating seniors offer first year students advice. ...

  4. Informational Session for Iceland Study Abroad Program

    Informational Session for Summer 17 Iceland Study Abroad Program: Environment and Natural ...

  5. Brent Richards – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    8 lowered the probability that these youths would be working for pay when they reached ages 14 to 15. He ... theorizes that the evidence suggests that parents are less likely to let badly-behaved youth work for pay. ... for both him and his students. To learn more about Brent Richards, please see his job market profile. ...

  6. Skyzone with Sigma Alpha

    Come to the Sigma Alpha house (1975 Indianola Ave) to travel to Skyzone with Alpha Gamma Sigma! ...

  7. Produce Safety Regulation Webinar

    Produce Safety Regulation Webinar, “Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing and Holding of ... Produce for Human Consumption.”  ...

  8. Collegiate 4-H Plowboy Prom

    Collegiate 4-H is hosting Plowboy Prom on March 9. We invite you to "Cruise" on over to ... cost is $5 per person or $3 with a BuckID. We hope to see you and your friends there to enjoy music, ...

  9. It's Not Too Late to Plant Wheat…If the Weather Cooperates

    best time to plant wheat is the 10-day period starting the day after the fly-free-safe date.  In ... northern Ohio, we are close to the end of that 10-day period.  In central and southern Ohio, we still have ... seeding rate is 1.2 to 1.6 million seeds per acre when planting during the first two weeks following the ...

  10. Informational Session for May 2017 European Dairy Study Abroad Program

    Informational Session for May 2017 European Dairy Study Abroad Program 4- 5 pm, Location: 212 ...
