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Marestail: Roundup Won't Kill It!
Marestail... if you frequent farm stores you've heard people talking about how hard it is to ... kill. If you've been to a lawn and garden store, it's the one they call, "that bushy ... landscapes for the past 5+ years. It can germinate all year long, survive the winter, and then grow ...
Ohio Beef School
This will be the first session of three for the Ohio Beef School webinar series. Additional dates ... ...
Keep Stored Grain Cool and Dry
percent, wheat to 13 percent, barley to 12 percent and oil sunflowers to 8 percent for summer storage. “The ... goal for summer storage also should be to keep the grain as cool as possible to limit insect activity,” ... Keeping stored grain cool is important as outdoor temperatures start to warm this spring, a North ...
$10 Ohio Local Foods Week Challenge
You are invited to participate in the $10 Ohio Local Foods Week Challenge August 7-13 is Local ... Foods Week and all Ohioans are encouraged to buy local and participate in the $10 Ohio Local Foods ... Challenge. To participate in the challenge, Ohioans commit to spend at least $10 this week on your favorite ...
Make it- Take it- Taste it!
purchase to plant in your home landscape. PLEASE: Sign up in advance at the Library for the Make it, Take ... It’s almost here! Mark your calendars for our annual “Make it, Take it” herb pot project. But this ... have copies of the recipes for you too! The “Make it, Take it” pot will include the pot, potting ...
Slow Cooker: Cook It Healthy
Family and Consumer Sciences for food safety and cooking tips to make the most of your healthy ... Get the slow-cooker (crock-pot) out to make your fall meals easy and tasty. Join OSU Extension ...
*RESCHEDULED- Market Beef Steer, Market Beef Heifer & Market Dairy Steer Tagging
Rescheduled from December 17, 2016. For full details, please consult the letter. ...
Tree Walks, Historic Woodlawn Cemetery and Arboreum
can be tricky to tell them apart! On the tree identification walk, participants will be focusing on ... the subtle but easy cues that lead directly to identifying a tree. Learn techniques on diagnosing some ...
Ohio Beef School
'live' and in person from the Ag Center in Fairfield County! This will be the second session of three for ... ...
*RESCHEDULED- Market Beef Steer, Market Beef Heifer & Market Dairy Steer Tagging
For full details, please consult the letter. 2016 Cattlemen's Certificate Moved to January ...