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Heat Stress- Where Should You Start?
equivalent to annual rates of 20 to 24%. For example, if a farm owed $10,000 to a feed mill, did not make any ... with the numbers on their farm should not find this hard to believe. Kohl also made another important ... observation: "...when prices are high, prepare for the lows...don't do anything stupid." ...
Dairy Farm Tour to Argentina and Uruguay
University We are trying to organize a dairy farm tour to Argentina and Uruguay for dairy farmers. The trip ... visit the cities of Buenos Aires and Montevideo as little side cultural visits. To be able to do the ...
Analytical Laboratory has announced free testing of corn/corn silage for nitrates because of the drought. ... Although not all areas of Ohio are affected, most concerns center around animals being fed, or allowed to ... graze, stressed plants or plants not normally used for animals. This article will focus on nitrate ...
The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices
very high- $292/ton for Ohio alfalfa hay according to USDA. Table 1. Prices of dairy nutrients for ... at $7.42/bushel today. I suppose that some prices are indeed rebounding, but to me they seem to be ... idea is to maximize the use of underpriced feeds and to minimize the use of overpriced ones. Nutrient ...
Economics of Dairy Production in Ohio
supported by the Center for Farm Financial Management, University of Minnesota. It is designed to help ... program used to compile the data and describe the averages for all farms, the lower third, and upper third ... ranged from $7.47/cwt of milk for the lowest profit herds to $5.86/cwt of milk for the highest profit, ...
Looking for Farmers to Participate in Grain Dust Study
Ohio farmers are being asked to participate in a study about their dust exposure while working of ... their on farm grain bins. The project is funded by the Bureau of Workers Compensation (BWC) to learn the ... will help identify safety and health practices used on Ohio farms to help solve (or at least reduce) ...
An Experience with Monitoring Water Usage on Dairy Farms
that are customized for large dairy farms. This organization believes that in order to facilitate wise ... most important nutrient for any living organism. Wise use and management of that water is and will ... operation. The purpose of the metering project was to determine exactly where water is being used in this ...
OSU Extension: Ohioline
community development, and 4-H youth development. The link to Ohioline is ...
Community Development
education and an unbiased partner as strategies are implemented to achieve community and organizational ... leaders and local officials. OSU Extension applies cutting-edge research, knowledge and innovations to ... programs are tailored to local community needs in every county, whether metropolitan, rural or ...
Market Rabbit Tattooing
expected to bring the doe and the market litter to tattooing. Market rabbits will not be tattooed unless ...