
Search results

  1. The Art and Science of Facilitation Workshop

    Extension educators, are facilitating this workshop on October 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at The Ohio ... registration fee is $125 per participant. To register and make payment, please go to ... know there is an art and science to facilitation? A successful facilitator utilizes a variety of tools, ...

  2. HTST Maintenance Workshop

    intended for seasoned maintenance workers, in addition to the new worker. Additional course information and ...

  3. Financial Literacy Workshop

    Financial Literacy Workshops are offered twice a month for families who want to take control of ... theft, and much more! For details, call 614-247-1983. Classes are held at the Godman Guild Association, ...

  4. Financial Literacy Workshop

    Financial Literacy Workshops are offered twice a month for families who want to take control of ... theft, and much more! For details, call 614-247-1983. Classes are held at the Godman Guild Association, ...

  5. 2016 ANR Summer Retreat

    Plan to bring your families  –  there are a lot of activities at Hueston Woods State Park to ...

  6. Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management Series

    937.548.5215 Ext. 3 The 3 hour Fertilizer Certification Credit will be earned for attendance at all four ...

  7. Lake Erie Sport Fishing Workshop

    selecting tackle and gear. Walleye fishing will be the primary activity; however, time will be allotted for ... smallmouth and largemouth bass, panfish and yellow perch. Deadline to apply is August 4. Workshop fee is ... $450. Cost includes room and meals for two nights and three days. Click here for complete information ...

  8. Dairy and Juice HACCP

    In this two-day course you will learn how to build a food safety system using the seven principles ... HACCP for 100% juice products. The course has been accredited by the International HACCP Alliance, and ...

  9. Computer Classes- Introduction to Excel

    Sixth Street, Columbus 43201. Call 614-292-7196 to register. The fee for the two-day class is $30. ... two-day class is held from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on consecutive days at the Godman Guild Association, 303 East ...

  10. Computer Classes- Introduction to Excel

    Sixth Street, Columbus 43201. Call 614-292-7196 to register. The fee for the two-day class is $30. ... two-day class is held from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on consecutive days at the Godman Guild Association, 303 East ...
