
Search results

  1. Revised Worker Protection Standard Workshop

    provide employers and managers what they need to bring their WPS Program in compliance with the new ...

  2. Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    series of ten evening workshops and a Sunday field trip is designed to help individuals learn how to ...

  3. Lucas County 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp

    Come join us for the day and learn about the 4-H program and participate in fun activities on ... topics relating to natural resources, gardening, nutrition, STEM (science, technology, engineering, ...

  4. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training

    acres to complete a fertilizer applicator certification course.  This law applies to broadcast ... fertilizer and sidedress/topdress nitrogen.  Farmers have until September 2017 to complete the ... certification.  Those who do not already have a pesticide license are required to attend a 3 hour course.  There ...

  5. ChickQuest Workshop

    Ohio Teachers & Afterschool Personnel of Grades 3-4 (Suggested) Free workshop & materials including an incubator and curriculum ...

  6. Science Smorgasbord Workshop

    Franklin County Teachers and Afterschool Personnel. Free, includes materials; application process. ...

  7. GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) Training

    for the produce farm, greenhouse, and backyard gardener.  The ½ day workshop focuses on preventing ... a certificate of participation as verification for their customers that they've received GAPs training. ... registration cost for the training is $20.00 per person.  Contact Lee Richter, OSU Extension for more ...

  8. The Latino Student Association Meeting

    There will be food, music, and a raffle. You don't want to miss out!      Indra Leyva Multicultural ...

  9. The Latino Student Association Meeting

    There will be food, music, and a raffle. You don't want to miss out!      Indra Leyva Multicultural ...

  10. OSUE Annual Conference

    Our three-day Annual Conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to: Share ... relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to foster expanded applied research ... and an opportunity to interact with faculty. Poster exhibits featuring innovative programming and ...
