
Search results

  1. Wildlife Diversity Conference- Columbus, Ohio

    The Ohio Wildlife Diversity Conference showcases experts from across the country to talk about ...

  2. New 4-H Advisor Orientation

    Advisors must be screened Ohio 4-H Volunteers. This process takes several steps. One of which is to attend ... an orientation. Two are currently scheduled for the 2017 4-H year. September 27, 2016, 6:30pm ... to start the screening process. ...

  3. "Our Momentum Has Never Been Greater"

    "Our momentum has never been greater — and we have done the hard work and planning to envision the next ...

  4. CFAES study abroad program is going places

    to any other College. Our current annual participation average is around 40%. In 2015-2016, CFAES ... awarded more than $60,000 to students in education abroad scholarships. Several new endowments have also ... participation is growing steadily with 261 abroad in 2015-16 compared to 96 in 2005-06. During the 2015-16 ...

  5. Buckeyes Volunteer with Pick It Up, Portland- Portland, Oregon

    Portland Buckeyes are putting a team of volunteers together for Portland's city-wide clean-up ...

  6. Wine Night at the Zoo- June 21- Cincinnati, Ohio

    Join fellow Buckeyes for an animal presentation, heavy hors d'oeuvres and perfectly paired ...

  7. EPN Field Trip- A Walking Tour of the Lower Olentangy- Columbus, Ohio

    Join a variety of environmental scientists and field specialists for a walking tour of the Lower ...

  8. Deadline to Order Broiler Chicks Through OSU Extension


  9. Introduction to Beekeeping in Defiance County

    Defiance County Extension Office will introduce you to the ins and outs of beekeeping in this ...

  10. Two alumni recognized in list of outstanding under-40 businesspeople

    Congratulations to Nathan Arnold and Jack Stickle on their being named to the Newark Advocate ’s ... “ 20 under 40 ” list for 2016 in Newark, Ohio. Both are alumni of The Ohio State University College of ... for Farmhouse Fraternity Alumni Association, Ohio State chapter, and member of the Licking Memorial ...
