
Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H Sea Camp

    Ohio 4-H Sea Camp invites teens from across Ohio to “get your feet wet” as you learn about one of ... Fishing • Snorkeling on historic ship wrecks • Kayaking, Power Boating, and Sailing • Opportunity to earn ...

  2. Safe Digging Practices for the Farm

    Spring and summer seasons seem to spark additional excavation projects on the farm. National Safe ... campaign is to remind project designers and landowners to use the 811 hotline number to determine any ... underground utilities. No matter how big or small the task – anything from installing fences to using large ...

  3. OSU Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class

    risk of on-farm produce contamination. Attending the OSU GAPs class does not equate to being ‘GAPs ...

  4. Safety for On-Farm Grain Storage Facilities

    entanglement; engulfment; and injuries due to fatigue.  Below are safety considerations for your grain storage ... them respond more efficiently to your farm. For more information about the OSU Ag Safety visit ... starting potentially dangerous work and tell them when you expect to finish.  If you are supposed to be ...

  5. AgrAbility Educational Programs

    To help prevent back injuries for farmers and gardeners, Ohio AgrAbility will be presenting “Oh My ... Table Top display: The Ohio AgrAbility Program   For more information and to schedule a presentation ... give tips and information for preventing back injuries for both the young and older farmers and ...

  6. Youth Garden Workshop- Northwest Ohio

    and sustaining gardens for youth education. This will take place on Tuesday March 28, 2017 from 4:30- ... Demonstration and "Make and Take" Activities. For all details including registration, contact ... information and a flyer, please visit our calendar page here. school gardens nutrition education farm to ...

  7. PetPALS SPP #6

    respond to commands and remain in position until released. For the Sit and Down on Command test the animal ... shyness, aggression, or fear. It must remain on the table for 30 seconds without trying to leave. If the ... but does not interact with the rabbit for 30 seconds. The evaluator is prepared to keep the rabbit ...

  8. Introduction to Home Food Preservation

    Do you plan to preserve any produce next year? This overview will highlight common food ... is open to those who have never done home food preservation as well as experienced home food ... preservationists who would like to keep up to dates on reserached recommendations. Please RSVP ...

  9. 2018 Youth Poultry Clinic

    SKILLS to the Skillathon. Registration forms must be postmarked by Friday, March 9. Space is ... limited! Register now! The cost per person is $20.00. Registration forms must be sent to OSU/OARDC, Attn: Jarrod ...

  10. OSUE SWRD Candidate David Hannan

    candidate's STRENGTHS in the area provided below. Disposition: I find this candidate for the OSUE Southwest ... Director Extension Specialist Support Staff Other CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you ... are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. ...
