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Labor Management Series: Farm Transition to Non-Family
as the most likely candidates. For many, it’s ‘out of the box’ thinking to consider having someone ... 1 = Poor, 3 = Fair, 5 = Excellent In order for a potential successor to be successful, they must assume ... opportunity for you to understand how your successor makes decisions. Allow your successor to develop and use ...
Soybean Meal- They're Not All the Same
ranked second to corn ($1.6 billion) for cash receipts. However, during this same time period, 1.5 more ... acres of soybeans were planted in Ohio than acres of corn. With the demand for corn to use in ethanol ... been advertised heavily during recent months the importance of the livestock industry to the market for ...
Don't Delay Wheat Harvest
risk for increased disease, lodging, sprouting, and harvest loss. Last year in Clark County, we ... moisture increased between June 29 and July 8 due to 0.58” rain between the two dates. When wheat harvest ... difference the delayed wheat harvest resulted in a loss of $87/acre compared to the June 29 harvest. With ...
Price Outlook
University Dairy Economist, Extension Specialist The Class IV market continues to be the driver for the class ... III futures contract prices continue to trade between $9.58 for the nearby to a high of $12.62 for the ... prices. Cheese is now moving to government storehouses in the form of processed cheese product. CME Class ...
Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms- The Basics
allowing the State to maintain its rank of 11th in the nation for total milk production. With this milk ... plants). This processing capacity has helped the State to maintain a strong dairy industry and for the ... contract with local crop farmers for feed production and for land application of manure to provide ...
Now that the Forages are Harvested
time to consider contacting for grain and other concentrate ingredients. Minimize the risk of feed ... exists for your business. If possible, let silages ferment for two to four weeks before feeding. Forages ... need to be analyzed NOW for nutrient composition. Considerable variation in composition of corn silage ...
Reminder – we are winding down the first phase of the Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training
have worked to deliver fertilizer certification training to Ohio growers who farm 50 acres or more. To ... programs during the winter months as that’s when they have down time to take in such programs. So we too ... for the summer. No doubt more will be added, so check the website if you still are need of the ...
Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure
portion is readily available for plant growth. The organic nitrogen portion takes considerably longer to ... Research on applying liquid livestock manure as a spring top-dress fertilizer to wheat has been ... ongoing in Ohio for several years. There is usually a window of time, typically around the last week of ...
A Look Back at the Dairy Business of 2013
allows them to identify strengths and areas for improvement across their farm. These 35 dairy farms ... industry. That said, there is a wealth of information in these numbers for all Ohio farms to use as they ... head. Herd size for the top 20% ranged from less than 70 to more than 800 cows. The only herd size not ...
Minimizing Heat Stress in the Dairy Facility
the holding area for blowing toward the back of the holding area. Add another row of fans every 20 to ... 24 ft for 36-inch diameter fans and 30 to 36 ft for 48-inch fans. Mount fans as low as possible ... as for the holding area. Adding soaker nozzles to wet the cows will improve the cooling affect. ...