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Undergraduate Program Advising Session
In preparation for Autumn Semester 2014 class registration, the AEDE undergraduate program will ... offer walk-in advising sessions for students enrolled in the Agribusiness and Applied Economics major. ... The dates, times and locations for these sessions are: Monday, March 24, 2014- 3:30pm-5pm- 105 Ag ...
Undergraduate Program Advising Session
In preparation for Autumn Semester 2014 class registration, the AEDE undergraduate program will ... offer walk-in advising sessions for students enrolled in the Agribusiness and Applied Economics major. ... The dates, times and locations for these sessions are: Monday, March 24, 2014- 3:30pm-5pm- 105 Ag ...
Undergraduate Program Advising Session
In preparation for Autumn Semester 2014 class registration, the AEDE undergraduate program will ... offer walk-in advising sessions for students enrolled in the Agribusiness and Applied Economics major. ... The dates, times and locations for these sessions are: Monday, March 24, 2014- 3:30pm-5pm- 105 Ag ...
Undergraduate Program Advising Session
In preparation for Autumn Semester 2014 class registration, the AEDE undergraduate program will ... offer walk-in advising sessions for students enrolled in the Agribusiness and Applied Economics major. ... The dates, times and locations for these sessions are: Monday, March 24, 2014- 3:30pm-5pm- 105 Ag ...
Agro-environmental Policy Impacts on Regional Economics, Land Use, and Ecosystem Services in New Zealand
Specifically, it uses the New Zealand Forest and Agricultural Regional Model (NZFARM), to assess the impacts of ... stand-alone GHG and nutrient emissions reduction policies for the land use sector could create some ... resulting in losses to net farm revenue by between 0 and 11%. Simultaneously implementing the two policies ...
Cash Transfers and Child Schooling: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation of the Role of Conditionality
Abstract: We conduct a randomized experiment in rural Burkina Faso to estimate the impact of alternative ... required to have their children ages 7-15 enrolled in school and attend classes regularly. There were no ... impact increasing the enrollment of children who are traditionally favored by parents for school ...
Lawrence (Larry) W. Libby
holder of the C. William Swank Chair in Rural-Urban Policy in AEDE from 1997 to 2005. He then was ...
Final examinations for semester and second-session classes
Final examinations for semester and second-session classes
Matt Gnagey awarded 2011 AEDE Best Doctoral Research Manuscript
Congratulations to Matt Gnagey, recipient of the 2011 AEDE Best Doctoral Research Manuscript, for ... Timing." Jenny Trump received honorable mention for "The Impact of Student Mobility on Estimates of ...