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Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting
**Early Bird pricing for the 2017 Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio expires on May, 31st.** Join us at ...
EPN June Breakfast Club
choose your dessert: natural history walk along Darby Creek, with a chance to get your feet wet and see ... creek critters up close, or naturalist walk to see a herd of bison and learn the role they played on ... Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park Please register at OSU students may register for free, ...
with Joel Sartore, famed photographer for National Geographic, author, speaker, frequent media guest, ... with sponsoring student and other organizations from 6-7:00 PM. Stay for a reception after the program, ... at about 8:30 PM. Admission is free! Click here to register. Sponsors include OSU School of ...
Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training
acres to complete a fertilizer applicator certification course. This law applies to broadcast ... fertilizer and sidedress/topdress nitrogen. Farmers have until September 2017 to complete the ... certification. Those who do not already have a pesticide license are required to attend a 3 hour course. There ...
Planet Labs Manager to Discuss Earth-imaging Data
Joe Mascaro, program manager for impact initiatives at Planet Labs, will speak about Everywhere, ...
Divya Gupta's Graduate Exit Seminar
use, for major resource use dejure rules were followed. Similarly, violations pertaining to informal ... United States. My study examines the factors that influence the communities to organize themselves to ... to shed light on these important issues by focusing on the causal mechanisms of enforcement. ...
Name That Tree
you acquired in the morning session. Class Fee:$35 (includes lunch) For more information and to ... Is there a tree that you frequently see, that you really like but don't have a clue how to ... identify it? Name That Tree is a one day workshop designed to give participants in-depth training and ...
Michal Wojno's Graduate Defense Seminar
present Improved Diet Utilization of Intensively Cultured Fish to Address Environmental Sustainability-- ... common carp production of 3.4 million tons compared to salmonids production of 1.9 million tons. However, ... the intensification of carp culture requires optimization of nutritional requirements for that species ...
POSTPONED- Travis Shaul's Graduate Defense Seminar
key stakeholders responsible for implementation of BMPs, sixteen interviews were conducted to answer ... Action Plans (WAPs) to address water quality impairments throughout Ohio. These WAPs are developed ... an expressed concern as to how the watershed is managed. There is sufficient literature that ...
Appreciation Reception
An informal reception will be held to show appreciation for the work of Joe Donnermeyer, Tom ... Koontz and Lynn McCready. Please join us as we extend our appreciation and best wishes to them prior to ...