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  1. What is Your Corn Silage Worth?

    contribution to MP depends on whether the starch is fermented in the rumen, providing energy for the rumen ... to do this because fields were laser-leveled for irrigation purposes.  However, few considered that ... non-effective NDF (neNDF), which was down 5.4¢/lb to –14.4¢/lb.  It is common for neNDF to be negative, as feeds ...

  2. Have and have nots across state when it comes to rain over the last week

    Ohio is the state of have and have nots when it comes to rain. Scattered areas of very heavy rain ... next to limited rain occurred over the last week. Rainfall over Ohio the last week ranged from less ... than 0.10 inches to over 5 inches. Most places experienced 0.50 to 2 inches. Attached is the ...

  3. Rations for Good Rumen Health

    particle size is appropriate, farmers need to be careful to follow the manufacturers mixing times for mixer ... levels (say 35 to 38% NFC compared with 38 to 40% NFC for alfalfa diets) to help maintain rumen health. ... The first priority of dairy rations should be to maintain rumen health. Traditionally, forages of ...

  4. Two New Products Available for Twospotted Spider Mite Management (One for Each Spot)

    action to reduce resistance development (so, for example, if you used something with bifenthrin the first ... This is just a reminder that vigilant scouting for this pest is a good idea right now.  It is also ... important to re-scout 5 days after treatment because many products will not kill the eggs, and populations ...


    Darwin Awards? For those who have not, these awards are given to those who, out of their own stupidity, ... in Newton, NC. Awakening to the sound of a ringing telephone beside his bed, he reached for the ... must import over 3 billion pounds of milk per year just to supply its demand for fluid milk. This ...

  6. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    As we all wait anxiously for our fields to dry off enough to allow field work, sowing, and planting, ... we are left to ponder about what direction the swirling dairy winds will be taking for the balance of ... $15.40/cwt for April, May, and June, and $16.23/cwt for the balance of the year.  These translate to mailbox ...

  7. Undergraduate Agronomic Crop Internship Program

    to conduct on-farm research. The Agronomic Crop Research Experience (ACRE) interns are placed in ... county offices throughout the state and work with county educators and state specialists to support ... agronomists, 2) empowering locally-directed on-farm research, and 3) identifying solutions to critical ...

  8. Coming in 2014: Managing Dairy Employees More Effectively Farm Assessment

    like about working for you? Do they know your farm’s goals? Are they comfortable talking to management ... is accomplished through people, and more cows per farm means more people are needed to care for those ... designed for farms with more than 10 employees to protect confidentiality of employees. All the employee ...

  9. Taking Control of Feed Costs

    that $200/ton for cottonseed must have been a revenge of the Confederates. How much I would like to see ... I remember thinking that $3.00/bu for corn was outrageous, that $300/ton for soybean meal was a rip-off, and ... situation, it is unlikely that we will see cheap feeds anytime soon. So what is a dairy producer to do? Cows ...

  10. Determination of ear size in corn well underway

    between neighboring fields, and within fields. Most of this variation can be attributed to planting date ... differences. Corn planted in mid to late April is at or beyond V13 whereas corn planted in early to mid-June is ... usually at stages no later than V3-4. Variation in growth and development is also related to differences ...
