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  1. Early Termination of Cover Crops

    late March to early April time frame.  Ideally we would like to see less than 8 inches of growth for ... Cover crops provide multiple benefits with regards to protecting soil from erosion, improving soil ... health, and as a component of a nutrient management plan.  For those cover crops that over winter and ...

  2. Cost of Nutrients: Ohio, May 2003,

    over the last 6 to 8 months. As of May 2003, NEL was costing an Ohio dairy producer an average of 7.5 ... RDP at 3.3 cents/lb) to low prices (digestible rumen undegradable protein, D-RUP at 16.7 cents/lb; ... non-effective fiber, ne-NDF at-3.1 cents/lb) for other nutrients. This indicates that proper ration balancing, ...

  3. Twin Row Corn Silage Research Plot Results

    capacity (CEC) is 28,000 to 31,000 seeds per acre. Planting was done on May 7th and harvest for the silage ... Harold Watters, both Agricultural Educators for Ohio State University Extension, have been conducting ... twin-row corn production research plots at the Darke County Research Farm for the last 3 years. Last year, ...


    A soil analysis will tell whether a field needs lime to raise the soil pH. The lime rate per acre ... generally given as tons per acre. Any lime source may be used to correct soil acidity; however, lime sources ... material to determine its effectiveness to neutralize soil acidity in a timely manner, which will be ...

  5. Heat Stress- Where Should You Start?

    equivalent to annual rates of 20 to 24%. For example, if a farm owed $10,000 to a feed mill, did not make any ... with the numbers on their farm should not find this hard to believe. Kohl also made another important ... observation: "...when prices are high, prepare for the lows...don't do anything stupid." ...

  6. Dairy Farm Tour to Argentina and Uruguay

    University We are trying to organize a dairy farm tour to Argentina and Uruguay for dairy farmers.  The trip ... visit the cities of Buenos Aires and Montevideo as little side cultural visits. To be able to do the ...


    Analytical Laboratory has announced free testing of corn/corn silage for nitrates because of the drought. ... Although not all areas of Ohio are affected, most concerns center around animals being fed, or allowed to ... graze, stressed plants or plants not normally used for animals. This article will focus on nitrate ...

  8. Western Bean Cutworm Count Rising and Eggs Hatching

    Now is the time to scout your corn for egg masses, especially if they have not tasseled yet. Economic ... We have seen a large increase in Western Bean Cutworm catches (see figure), which is typical for ... this time of year. Given the heat in the forecast later this week, it might be safe to say that we are ...

  9. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    very high- $292/ton for Ohio alfalfa hay according to USDA. Table 1.  Prices of dairy nutrients for ... at $7.42/bushel today.  I suppose that some prices are indeed rebounding, but to me they seem to be ... idea is to maximize the use of underpriced feeds and to minimize the use of overpriced ones. Nutrient ...

  10. Temperatures are Still Cool

    a classic set up for replant conditions.  Keep monitoring those soil temperatures to ensure the best jump ... investment for the overall farming inputs.  You only want to plant once. Well drained soil, and seed ... These warm days have the engines warming for an early planting but the soil temperatures from ...
