
Search results

  1. Soybean Stands-- Lots of Changes

    From too wet, too cold, to too dry and too hot.  It seems like Ohio has seen quite a range of ... issues that will affect stands. The pathogens:  for those fields that received saturating rains the most ... Phytophthora sanosmeana.  These will infect the roots when the soils are saturated and can cause brown to tan ...

  2. Controlling Marestail Postemergence in Corn

    or V10 (rates up to 5 oz/A).- For Clarity and other 4 lb/gal dicamba products, the general ... herbicides.- For any herbicide, use of drop nozzles to deliver spray below the canopy of taller corn can ... past 10 years combined.  We do not currently show effectiveness ratings on marestail for postemergence ...

  3. Temperatures are Still Cool

    conditions as possible.  Don’t try to beat a major storm front – in Ohio that is a classic set up for replant ... conditions.  Keep monitoring those soil temperatures to ensure the best jump start for this seed.  If in doubt, ... zoospores.  What is unique about this group of pathogens compared to watermolds is that these spores will then ...

  4. Harvest Delays Impact Corn Performance

    corn was mature, compared to 30% for last year and 32% for the five-year average.  Persistent rains ... losses during field drying.  It allows the user to account for elevator discounts and grain shrink. Corn ... According to the USDA/NASS (  ) as of Sunday, Oct. 19, 23% of Ohio’s ...

  5. Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop- London

    Templates as approved tools for development of Fertilizer Only or Precision Fertilizer Only Nutrient ... Management Plans for NRCS programs such as EQUIP. Fertility ...

  6. Scabby wheat grain? Increasing your Fan Speed May Help

    for the presence of chalky-white, pinkish kernels; this would be a good way to tell whether you have ... The threshold set by the US Food and Drug Administration for harvested grain intended for animal and ... big of a problem we have and whether or not they can find clean grain to blend. Although head scab was ...

  7. Farm Pesticide Collections

    The Ohio Department of Agriculture is sponsoring a collection for farmers to dispose of unwanted ... companies. All collections will run from 9:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. To pre-register, or for more information, ... pesticides. The collection is only for farm-related chemicals so household or non-farm pesticides will not be ...

  8. On-Farm Wheat Field Day-Pickaway County

    Minimum wheat stand to maximize profits Soil fertility considerations for improved efficiency Wheat ... disease identification and management Ohio Wheat Performance Test Then, please join us for lunch at the ...

  9. Assessing yield losses in corn due to frost

    Ohio’s corn was mature, compared to 29 percent for last year and 38 percent for the five-year average.  ... With scattered frosts predicted in parts of Ohio tonight, it may be time to consider the impact of ... frost injury to corn that has not yet achieved kernel “black layer”. Black layer is the stage at which ...

  10. Some Additional Notes on Frogeye Leaf Spot

    to certain areas.  This opens the door for precision agriculture – if you need to apply material ... a great recipe for the fungus to develop resistance to two products not just one.  We know from my ... for sensitivity to the fungicides.  5.  One more note:  For those of you that know the names of these ...
