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  1. Pollination Underway in April Planted Corn

    According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service for the week ending 7-9-17, 10% of the ... state’s corn was silking compared to 16% for the 5-year average. Given the wide range in corn planting ... anchor pollen grains. Under favorable conditions, pollen grain remains viable for only 18 to 24 hours. ...

  2. Estimating Soybean Yield

    To estimate soybean yield, four yield components need to be considered: plants per acre, pods per ... plant, seeds per pod, and seeds per pound (seed size).  A printable worksheet to estimate soybean yield ... can be found by clicking here.  Proceed with caution when estimating soybean yield. It is difficult to ...

  3. Pickaway Co Fair Pre Judging

    BY APPOINTMENT- Please Call 740-474-7534 to schedule at time ...

  4. Winter Wheat Stand Evaluation

    Feekes 5 growth stage (leaf sheaths strongly erect) is a good time to evaluate winter wheat stand. ... number of wheat stems which included both the main stem (main plant) and tillers. For example, in Figure ... 1, there are two stems. Make sure to count the number of stems in several areas of the field. In our ...

  5. First Cutting of Forages is Fast Approaching

    then than it is this time of the year. An exception to the above rule of timely first cutting is for ... ahead of normal development for early May. The only exception is where spring freezes significantly ... damaged the crop a few weeks ago. But for most stands, timing for first harvest of high quality forage is ...

  6. Soybean Planting…How Early Is Too Early?

    Soybean planting date is absolutely critical to maximize yield (in most years and environments). ... northern Ohio, soybean yield was reduced by 0.5 bushel/acre/day for every day planted after the end of ... April. In central/southern Ohio, soybean yield was reduced by 0.15 bushel/acre/day for every day planted ...

  7. OSF Market Beef DNA Sampls Due at Ohio Expo Center

    the possession of the Ohio State Fair by January 15, 2018. Prior to submission, the envelope for each ... The Ohio State Fair requires all market beef entered in the 2018 Ohio State Fair to have ...

  8. How to separate flooding injury from Phytophthora seedling and stem blight

    roots killed to the whole plants if submerged for a long enough period of time. The damage and the yield ... and continue to grow – but there is a yield hit for severe damage. If plants have low levels of ... loss associated with flooding injury are directly related to the amount of time the plants are in a low ...

  9. Pasture Walk to Evaluate Forages

    Ridgeway, OH 43345.  A pasture walk is an educational program for producers who would like to learn how to ... A farm near Ridgeway, Ohio will serve as the location for the Hardin County Pasture Walk on ... best manage forages in their pastures and evaluate best management practices for grazing.  Megan ...

  10. Managing Corn Rust with Fungicides

    the south or from a nearby affected field) and how long it takes for each set of new pustules to ... late-R2 (brown silk), and as such, are less likely to be heavily impacted by rust. Common rust in ... particular tends to become less severe as the season progresses as it prefers cooler conditions. By contrast, ...
