
Search results

  1. Grain Marketing: Turning On-farm Storage into Profit (Auglaize County)

    minimizing risk. OSU Extension is offering three meetings this December for farmers to learn about marketing ... markets in the upcoming year and how to better prepare your operation for the opportunities and challenges ... futures and options can be used to protect farmers from risk. Registration for each meeting is free and ...

  2. 15 Measures of Competitiveness

    or is it an important tool for your business. Of course, I'm going to say it is an important ... You see mission statements everywhere these days. Is it just the current "thing" to do ... tool! But why It is critical for the long-term success of your business that your management team agrees ...


    window.   As expected our weather pattern has changed to a much warmer one. This will persist for some ... time now. Temperatures for the rest of May will average +5F. This will allow May to go down as 0 to ... -1F for the month and it looks like the period of March to May will actually go down as +1 to +2F even ...

  4. Information on the Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality Program

    Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) provisions and promote a national consensus on methodologies for estimating emissions ... are: Receive a covenant not to be sued by EPA for past violations of the Clean Air Act and CERCLA ... and Receive a covenant not to be sued for the period of the national emissions monitoring program (3.5 ...

  5. Potential for Silk Clipping by Beetles

    least 100 plants, (10 plants in 10 different areas) to sample the entire field for any signs of silk ... corn, much of the feeding occurs on silks where they chew the silks back to the ear tip and can ... and silk emerges, growers will want to make sure that the silk feeding does not reach economic ...

  6. Health Insurance Deductions and Health Savings Accounts

    a partnership pays the health insurance for the partner, the payment is treated as income to the partner for ... tax-exempt trusts that are created to pay qualified medical expenses for the account holder, spouse, and ... Distributions from the HSA are tax-free if they are used to pay for qualified medical expenses. In addition, ...

  7. Stinkhorns in Corn and Soybean Fields

    fields this season, there is no cause for alarm. These aptly named “stinkhorn” fungi tend to produce ... fingers” or “veiled lady stinkhorn”, for example). If you don’t find them attractive, you’ll just have to ... wait for them to go away as soil conditions change; there is no reasonable method to get rid of them. ...

  8. February 28th Precision Planting Event – Register Now!

    Ohio. This event will focus on utilizing precision planting technology to optimize yield through ... controlled planting and data management to promote profitable decision-making. Topcs include UAVs to support ... planting decisions, managing compaction, data utilization to improve planter management, the future of ...

  9. Tar Hollow Camp Open House

    Bring your families and friends down for a fun-filled casual day at Tar Hollow on Sunday, July 9th ... from 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm. It’s a bring your own picnic dinner so no need to RSVP! There will be ... campfire, songs, etc. Hope to see you there! ...

  10. Buckeye Dairy Club’s 2013 Annual Reception

    Sarah Finney, and Senior- Ashlee Dietz. The prestigious member was awarded to Sarah Finney for her ... officers. The yearbook was dedicated to Bernie Heisner for his continued support of the Club and judging ... students, listening to an endless number of sets of reasons for class placings. President Jacquelyn Sherry ...
