
Search results

  1. Student Rights and Responsibilities

    You are entitled to certain rights and privileges. You are also required to follow certain rules ... and regulations set forth by Ohio State University, Ohio State ATI, state and local laws. Take time to ... review these and the  Ohio State Code of Student Conduct. You are responsible for knowing and abiding by ...

  2. Animal-drawn Carriages Lighting and Marking

    Source: Jepsen, S.D., & Calip, T. (2009) Lighting and Marking Recommendations for Buggies and ... Wagons. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Click here to download the factsheet. ...

  3. Animal-drawn Buggy and Wagon Lighting and Marking

    Source: Jepsen, S.D., & Calip, T. (2009) Lighting and Marking Recommendations for Buggies and ... Wagons. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Click here to download the factsheet. ...

  4. Heather Pariso films Garden Gurl episodes at Ohio State ATI

    taping. The exposure to the public about Ohio State ATI through these TV shows will be wonderful," ... said McMahon, known to his students as Dr. Bob. "I am very proud of Heather and thrilled that she ... had found such a fun and appropriate 'niche' to apply her talents and knowledge."  To ...

  5. Library Instruction

    Class Instruction At the request of the instructors, librarians teach various topics to classes ... including: how to research (finding books, articles, etc.) MLA citation how to avoid plagiarism This takes ... regularly scheduled classroom. To set up an in-class instruction session, contact the library to discuss ...

  6. Grain C.A.R.T. Receives National Recognition

    the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).  This award is similar to NACAA ... or our OSU Epsilon Sigma Phi Teaching Awards where applications are submitted to different ...

  7. ATI dairy cattle team takes first in Pennsylvania

    Holstein and third in Jersey. Pictured from left to right are Hange, Dye, Kliner, Topp and Paulin.   ...

  8. Spotlight Fund: CFAES New Facilities & Renovations Fund

    supports planning for and construction of such vital projects. Read more  here. ...

  9. Ohio State ATI Welcomes New Equine Professor

    entire life," Suagee said, "but I honestly didn't think it would lead to a career." ... nutrition and metabolism at Virginia Tech. While working on her degree, she contributed to teaching several ... Equine Nutrition and Horse Judging and Evaluation during spring semester and hopes to generate student ...

  10. Turkey Pickup

    Turkey pickup is happening!  Be sure to bring along your bio-security paperwork that was mailed to ... you and a box to carry your turkeys home with you. ...
