
Search results

  1. Improving Wheat Profits in Ohio, Bulletin 938

    Improving Wheat Profits in Ohio, Bulletin 938.  This bulletin provides an up-to-date description ... topic follows a "bolt & nut approach'' to crop management and is presented and ...

  2. From Wet Weather to Dry Weather…

    weather, soybeans tend to have reduced tap root growth and increased lateral root growth near the soil ... important as soybean seeds begin to fill.  (Soybean yield is determined by the number of plants, number of ... to be smaller than seeds produced under normal conditions.       ...

  3. Introducing Dr. Kelley Tilmon

    Professor and State Specialist for field crop entomology. Her extension, research, and teaching programs ... the University of Delaware, a Ph.D. in entomology from Cornell University, and for the past 10 years ... has served as the soybean entomologist for South Dakota at South Dakota State University, with ...

  4. Animal Health

    and Dairy Beef Quality Assurance Program National Institute for Animal Agriculture Other Animl Health ...

  5. Judging

    sponsored by Cargill Animal Nutrition. The farm selected for the contest this year was R-Style Holsteins in ...

  6. OSU Weed Science Field Day

    and students will start at 9 am.  There is also, as usual, the opportunity to view studies of interest ... on your own. The cost is $30, which includes the tour book and lunch.  Please RSVP to Bruce Ackley,  ...

  7. Spray Diagnostics Field Day

    419-586-2179 Email: CCA and PAT Credits will be applied for. ...

  8. 2005 Average Milk Production for Ohio Dairy Herds by Breed

    production of milk, fat, and protein by breed for Ohio dairy herds in 2005 using the Dairy Herd Improvement ...

  9. North American Manure Expo

    August 3rd is Tour Day and August 4 is Expo. See website links for complete detail and ...

  10. How to get 12 & 24 hour Precipitation Forecast for Fertilizer and Manure Application

