
Search results

  1. Deciphering preplant dicamba labels and tank mixtures

    approved for preplant use prior to any type of soybean for a long time, but the restrictions on use can ... make it difficult to easily integrate into burndown treatments. For most of the 4 lb/gallon dicamba ... adjusted to account for different product loading. This restriction ensures that enough soil moisture ...

  2. Animal and Me Show

    ANIMAL AND ME Show  Mentor Application Particpant Registration  Please direct any questions to ...

  3. Fertilizer Applicator Training

    fertilizer to more than 50 acres used for agricultural production grown primarily for sale. The deadline for ... fertilizer applicators to be in compliance with Ohio Law is 9/30/2017. To learn more about who needs ... more than 10,000 Ohio farmers on best practices to apply fertilizer (2 min) (link) Training Videos ...

  4. Plan Your Visit to Farm Science Review

    and Farm Management Podcast. We talked to different members of the Extension Farm Science Review ... area, some new features and exhibits and even some tricks on how to make the commute a little easier. ... information related to all aspects of farming and farm life can be gained. Farm Science Review is unique in ...

  5. Application of Manure to Double Crop Soybeans

    manure to help with double-crop soybean emergence does not really allow for incorporation. If soybeans ... recent years there has been more interest from livestock producers in applying manure to newly planted ... soybeans to provide moisture to help get the crop to emerge. Both swine and dairy manure can be used to add ...

  6. Agronomic Field Day June 21 at OARDC Northwest Ag Research Station

    The public is invited to attend at no cost the 2018 Agronomic Field Day.  It will be held on ... Thursday, June 21 starting at 9:00 am to 11:30 am.  The location is 4240 Range Line Road, Custar, Ohio, ... 43511.  The topics for the field day include: Fertilizer Placement Options for Different Management ...

  7. Counselor Orientation- Assessment Stations

    pm. New applicants are expected to stay and complete the Assessment Stations from 6:45- 9:00 pm as ...

  8. Office Closed: CFAES Community Engagement Conference

    are sorry for the inconvenience. All OSU Extension employees are expected to attend. ...

  9. What a difference a month makes!

    After a cold and wet April, May is shaping to have temperatures normal or slightly warmer than ... normal with rainfall near normal. Except for rainfall later this week (with best chances north of I-70) ... rainfall will be at or below normal for the first half of May. The exception will be the northern tier of ...

  10. Soybean Cyst Nematode – SCN Coalition Update

    Soybean Association were provided soil sampling bags and a challenge.  They were to sample the best ... yielding field and the lowest yielding field on their farm to assess where SCN was.  We’ve been able to ... 2--- 2 Wood 3 2 1- 6 Wyandot 2--- 2 Totals 38 36 24 7 105 There is still plenty of time to sample this ...
