
Search results

  1. 2016 Safety and Ethics Clinics

    For more information....  ...

  2. YMCA Day Camp

    Get Fit with 4-H Day Camp at the Calcutta YMCA on June 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for kids ... ages 5 to 12 years old.  Come prepared for a fun morning of moving, laughing, learning and swimming!  ... office at 330-424-7291 to register ...

  3. Family Fun Day at COSI- Columbus, Ohio

    Join The Ohio State University Alumni Association and fellow Buckeyes for a Family Fun Day at ...

  4. Ask A Master Gardener Booth at Gahanna Herb Day 2015

    booth to get all of your herb questions answered. Gahanna Herb day will take place rain or shine at ...

  5. Asian Pacific Islander (API) Cohort

    Islander/Arab/Middle Eastern students adapt to their new college environment. We offer a welcoming environment for ... those looking to join a family and to have ample doors of opportunities open up to them, academically ... professional, social and individual (PSI) programming with each catering specifically to the incoming OSU ...

  6. Asian Pacific Islander (API) Cohort

    Islander/Arab/Middle Eastern students adapt to their new college environment. We offer a welcoming environment for ... those looking to join a family and to have ample doors of opportunities open up to them, academically ... professional, social and individual (PSI) programming with each catering specifically to the incoming OSU ...

  7. Asian Pacific Islander (API) Cohort

    Islander/Arab/Middle Eastern students adapt to their new college environment. We offer a welcoming environment for ... those looking to join a family and to have ample doors of opportunities open up to them, academically ... professional, social and individual (PSI) programming with each catering specifically to the incoming OSU ...

  8. Three CFAES Alumni honored

    for service to Ohio State.     ... Congratulations to Chad Endsley, Jack Fisher and Bill Simon, each of whom will receive a 2015 Ohio ... Alumni Award for early career achievement. Fisher (B.S. 1967, M.S. 1969, Animal Science), of Columbus, ...

  9. Memories of Making New Friends

    tickets to the Sugar Bowl back in 2014 when OSU made it and was giving out free tickets to students. We ... anyone to sit with at the game and was considering not going. He was asking around in the FABE computer ... with me and my friend who had gotten drawn to get free tickets as well. Anyways, to make a long story ...

  10. TERSSA National Conference

    Visit for more information. ...
