
Search results

  1. Tour Tomorrow (8/2): Sustainable Ways to Fight Wilt on Melons

    a free tour tomorrow (8/2) featuring new, non-chemical, sustainable ways to manage cucumber beetles and ... Mary Gardiner are evaluating extended-duration row covers, which keep the beetles from getting to the ... melon plants; and perimeter trap crops of buttercup squash, which offer the beetles a place to feed ...

  2. Spot the Safety Violation

    Can you spot the Safety Violations in this photo?  Click  here  to see the answers. ...

  3. Ohio Farmers Making the Switch to Transgenic Corn

    severity the following year. For information on corn rootworm, log on to, and keep ... in Ohio next year, due to rising corn rootworm problems and lower product costs compared to ... traditional hybrid packages.   According to the most recent U.S. Department of Agriculture survey regarding ...

  4. Health of Ohio's Corn Crop in Question

    unable to access the potassium readily available in the soil. "It's a double whammy for this ... enough leaf tissue to produce a normal yield." Corn growers are still hoping for rain; some have ... Ohio's corn crop is experiencing a deficiency in potassium, a major nutrient for water use efficiency and ...

  5. Some Fall Cover Crops Can Reduce SCN Populations

    May 5, 2008 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The benefits of cover crops continue to grow. Touted for conserving ... soil while filling forage needs, some plant varieties also have the potential to suppress soybean cyst ... a fall cover crop, reduces soybean cyst nematode egg populations 30 percent to 50 percent in a single ...

  6. Get the Latest on Sudden Death Syndrome at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Northern University in Ada, Ohio. For an agenda and registration information, log on to ... February 15, 2010 ADA, Ohio – Sudden death syndrome, a soybean disease once confined to just ... compaction problems that prevent drainage. "Any factor that keeps the soil moist for an extended period ...

  7. OSU Extension to Hold Sweet Corn Tour

    researchers expected to be on hand for the tour are horticulturists Doug Doohan, Bob Precheur, Brad Bergefurd, ... hour. Growers are invited to attend any or all three of the tours. For more information, contact ... June 19 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and will include three farm tours and presentations by OSU and United ...

  8. Putnam County Extension Educator Honored for His Work

    educator for Putnam County, became the second recipient in 2008. "I am extremely appreciative to ... for nearly 20 years. Arnold will receive a $1,500 cash prize and a plaque. His name has been added to ...   The award, established in 2007 and named for the Morrow County OSU Extension educator who passed away ...

  9. Got Water? Crop Thirst Depends on Soil Type

    but make it difficult for plants to access. "In clay soils, the soil particles have an enormous ... for the soil to reach a water content that is available for plants." This explains why fields ... makes or breaks a crop is water. "The biggest risk to production is not practices like ...

  10. Soybean Trials Show Strength Of Varieties

    growing season for some soybean growers. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, soybean yields ... differences and conclusions we draw will only be valid for years that are similar to this one.” For more ... in Ohio are averaging 32 bushels per acre, compared to 41 bushels per acre harvested last year. Ohio ...
