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Family Fun Day at COSI- Columbus, Ohio
Join The Ohio State University Alumni Association and fellow Buckeyes for a Family Fun Day at ...
Memories of Making New Friends
tickets to the Sugar Bowl back in 2014 when OSU made it and was giving out free tickets to students. We ... anyone to sit with at the game and was considering not going. He was asking around in the FABE computer ... with me and my friend who had gotten drawn to get free tickets as well. Anyways, to make a long story ...
Three CFAES Alumni honored
for service to Ohio State. ... Congratulations to Chad Endsley, Jack Fisher and Bill Simon, each of whom will receive a 2015 Ohio ... Alumni Award for early career achievement. Fisher (B.S. 1967, M.S. 1969, Animal Science), of Columbus, ...
Cover Crop Field Day
Council’s selection tool can be used to assist in deciding which covers are best for individual farms. ... see a planting demonstration. Farmers are invited to bring soil samples for a slake test. These ... samples need to be the size of a tennis ball and dried for a week. Certified Crop Advisor credits offered ...
Please join the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at the Ohio State Fair on Tuesday, August 2
Stop by the Ohio State Fair to meet students and staff from the College of Food, Agricultural, and ... Environmental Sciences on Tuesday, August 2 for a special CFAES alumni, friends and future student experience. ... south entrance to the midway. The fair is located in Columbus, Ohio. All CFAES alumni who stop by the ...
Heat Unit Accumulation and Corn Emergence
GDDs per day = 20 days) for corn to emerge. Given this relationship between GDD accumulation and ... weeks ago is not yet emerging. Is this cause for concern? Not necessarily. Corn requires about 100 ... growing degrees days (GDDs) to emerge (emergence requirements can vary from 90 to 150 GDDs). To determine ...
First Year Member Orientation
So you've joined 4-H... Now what? You are invited to attend either one of these two informal ... highlights. a better understanding of 4-H projects and opportunities. There will be plenty of time to ask ...
Estimating Soybean Yield
To estimate soybean yield, four yield components need to be considered: plants per acre, pods per ... plant, seeds per pod, and seeds per pound (seed size). A printable worksheet to estimate soybean yield ... can be found by clicking here. Proceed with caution when estimating soybean yield. It is difficult to ...
4-H Senior Reception
Registration begins at 6:30pm with refreshments. Program starts promptly at 7:00 pm. An event to ... encouraged to attend and be recognized. Warren County 4-H Scholarship winners will be announced. ...
What’s Limiting Soybean Yield?---Still Need Data From 185 Fields
data for any given cell in the columns shown on the Survey Form, leave them blank. We look forward to ... project, our objective is to WORK FOR YOU. Our goal is to use the data YOU supply to help YOU get soybean ... I ran this article last week. Thank you to all who filled out the survey! Our goal is to ...