
Search results

  1. Volunteers & Club Forms

    order to learn the new skills that 4-H has to offer youth. With each volunteer comes knowledge, ... experiences, and skills which can be taught to 4-H youth and shared with the 4-H program "to make the best ... better." New Volunteers    Click the link to begin your application Path to ...

  2. January Virtual Book Club- Forest Walking, Discovering the Trees and Woodlands of North America

    of the book. There is no registration fee for the actual book club. Participants must register using ... the Zoom link provided for each month, and connection information for Zoom will be sent. Separate ...

  3. Lesson In Life Skills: How To Teach or Model Gratitude For Children

    gas in the car to replace what you used, thank you for being thoughtful”. Teach through role play. If ... you most thankful for today?" it can serve as a comforting routine at bedtime, while traveling to ... is; it can be a keepsake for years to come. Let’s not forget to thank those who serve. Your example of ...

  4. February Virtual Book Club-The Nature Fix – Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative

    book. There is no registration fee for the actual book club. Participants must register using the Zoom ... link provided for each month, and connection information on Zoom will be sent. Separate emails will be ...

  5. Phones Quieter, Visitors Fewer, But 4-H Program Never Sleeps

    committee volunteers, planning the dates and times for the fairgrounds to be busy and full again. We look ... When does the 4-H Program rest? That is a great question that I do not know the answer to. When ... most people think about 4-H they think of the fair. Once the fair is over then 4-H is done for the year ...

  6. Foundational Leadership Certificate

    change within your team? Coaching For this certificate, participants are required to complete coaching ... sessions.  The first session will be utilized to set professional goals, both for the short-term and ... this Certificate to your needs.  During the final coaching session, your personal assessment results ...

  7. Communication and Conflict Management online

    that allows for differences of opinion to be openly shared? Do you or your team members have the ... you may send someone else in your place. Cancellations made prior to the day of the workshop will be ... knowledge and skills to work through conflict situations rather than allowing conflict to undermine the ...

  8. Communication and Conflict Management online

    that allows for differences of opinion to be openly shared? Do you or your team members have the ... you may send someone else in your place. Cancellations made prior to the day of the workshop will be ... knowledge and skills to work through conflict situations rather than allowing conflict to undermine the ...

  9. Saving Tips and Turkey Talk: How To Cut Meal Costs, Bake A Good Bird

    blessings we have.  If you are looking for ways to cut costs keep reading and see if you can use any of the ... you already have and make use of those items also. * Plan to purchase only enough food for what you ... food setting out on the table for more than two hours if you want to use those leftovers in your ...

  10. New 4-H Volunteers

    Interested in becoming a 4-H volunteer?  Here are some resources for potential new 4-H volunteers. ... There are required steps and a process that need to be followed. If you have any questions please call ... the office we are here to help you! We are open from 8:00am- 4:30pm Monday- Friday, 330-264-8722 ...
