
Search results

  1. Senior Fair Board- CANCELLED Due to Weather


  2. EPA Denies Petition to Ban Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

    available for these uses. As with all pesticides, OSU Extension encourages applicators to exercise proper ... This week U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has denied a petition to ban the agricultural ... pesticide chlorpyrifos. Chlorpyrifos has been under review for a number of months. Chlorpyrifos, an ...

  3. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about water bath canning.  No fee to attend. ... Reservation appreciated- call 740-652-7260 or email Kelley Scott at For information about ...

  4. Forage Sampling

    accurately represents the forage you will be feeding.  Click on the following link to access a forage ... sampling guide that describes the process and procedure for accurate forage sampling: Forage Sampling Guide ...

  5. Help Needed for Large Mailing about the New Jr. Fair Livestock Center

    Center.  Even if you only have a 1/2 hour your help would be greatly appreciated.   Please come to the  ...

  6. Fertilizer Certification Class

    to have a Fertilizer Certification by September 30, 2017 in order to continue to apply those ... fertilizers. This will be the last opportunity locally to acquire this certification free of charge, and ... without being required to take a test. Participants should bring a recent soil test report with them to ...

  7. Ear Disorders Appearing in Corn Fields

    “bouquet ears” (formed by small ears trying to develop from the same shank as the main ear), and shorter ... affected. Prior to maturity, corn plants exhibiting abnormal ears generally appeared healthy with normal ... due to an accumulation of anthocyanin pigments in the leaf and stalk tissue.  The visual symptoms ...

  8. Nutrient Management Workbook

    Nutrient Management Workbook Do you have a nutrient management plan for your farm? Many producers ... avoid developing nutrient management plans because they can be time consuming and hard to understand. ... from the Ohio Soybean Council set out to create a nutrient management plan that farms of every size ...

  9. Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop

    nitrogen loss and nutrient recommendation for crop production. The workshop will demonstrate one method to ... Providers (TSP) to provide planning services for Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans for livestock ... that can be presented to NRCS for approval. Program description and download location. ·        ...

  10. Junior Fair Livestock and Events Center Hometretch Campaign Kickoff

    All 4-H and FFA families are invited to help us celebrate the kickoff of the new Wayne County ... Fairgrounds.  A complimentary dinner will be served at 6:30 pm.   Please RSVP today to help us prepare enough ... food!  We hope you will join us to learn more about this important building project. RSVP Today ...
