
Search results

  1. Watershed Management

    individuals are working together to address water resource issues on a watershed scale. ...

  2. Joint Veterinary Technology Program Mandatory Information Session

    College?   Please plan to attend the information session on Thursday, Sept. 12th at 5:00 pm in Plumb Hall ...

  3. Kentucky Equine Management Presentation

    Are you interested in the working in the equine industry?  If so, plan to attend a special ...

  4. Kentucky Equine Management Presentation

    Are you interested in the working in the equine industry?  If so, plan to attend a special ...

  5. Farm Science Review

    advances in agricultural production. Schedule, information and to buy tickets: or ...

  6. Meat Judging: Coaches Briskey, VanStavern

    Team of Contest; Fourth High Team (tie) in Lamb Judging and Fourth High Team in Lamb grading. 1956 L to ... first high individual in beef judging and eighth high individual of contest 1958 L to R: Bill Arters; ... Team of contest. 1959 Seated L to R: Melvin Warnecke; Sue Hartman; James Davis; Wayne Short Standing: ...

  7. Animal Sciences Seminar: Rebekah Meller, Ashley Markazi

    dairy cattle to improve dry matter intake, component yield, and energy corrected milk Major Professor ...

  8. Special-Action Probation

    average you must achieve in the following term to avoid academic dismissal. ...

  9. Meat Judging: Coach Kunkle

    Derickson; James Gray; Hugh Morris; Charles Terry. Coached by L. E. Kunkle   1940 L to R: Elbert ... 13 th at the North American International Livestock Exposition, 5 th Lamb 1941 L to R: Herbert ...

  10. Boyles and Cole to speak at COSI Farm Days

    Kimberly Cole, OSU Extension Equine Specialist, will be accompanied by a life-size fiberglass horse to ...
