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  1. An Evening with Grizzly 399 — A Signature EPN Event

    Will the world’s most famous wild bear live or die? You decide. EPN invities you to spend an ...

  2. Fellowship recipient conducting summer research in school’s aquaculture laboratory

    yellow perch to culture the fish more effectively using soy-based protein diets. Currently, most fish ... producers use animal-based protein feeds in their formulations to grow their fish. Animal based protein is ... much more expensive than soy-based protein. Finding a way to raise yellow perch using soy would help ...

  3. New Student Welcome

    We want to make sure you have everything you need for a successful start to your semester, and look ... New to the School of Environment and Natural Resources? Join us at the New Student Welcome! When: ... scoop on being a student in SENR! Join us for food and conversation at the New Student Welcome. ...

  4. Improvement of Yellow Perch Larvae Culture via Live Food Enrichment with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

    flavescens) is a popular gamefish in the Great Lakes region that is prized for its excellent table fare. While ... the demand for yellow perch is high, environmental degradation, state fishery regulations, and ... demand, but several significant bottlenecks in perch production still exist. One potential impediment to ...

  5. Clark's Graduate Defense Seminar

    of aquatic microorganisms that, due to the presence of intracellular, nano-sized magnets, have the ... ability to navigate to growth favorable conditions using Earth’s geomagnetic field.  The unique ... them valuable tools for applied sciences within the classroom.  However, with the amount of imagined ...

  6. Assessing modularity in genetic networks to manage spatially structured metapopulations

    Assessing modularity in genetic networks to manage spatially structured metapopulations. Ecosphere ...

  7. Managing Grasslands for Wildlife

    species. In this all-day workshop, we will discuss this impor-tance, and how best to manage grasslands for ...   Ohio’s grasslands, historically and present day, are important habitat for a number of wildlife ... wildlife—from bobwhite quail and pheasants to songbirds and pollinators. We will cover management tools from ...

  8. Thank You, Donors

    Environmental Sciences is thankful for the generosity of its donors. Multimedia News ...

  9. Dr. Moore Joins OSU's Office of Energy and Environment

    In his new role, Dr. Moore will continue to facilitate the development of university discovery ... themes as they relate to the environmental sciences, and he will strengthen connections between Ohio ...

  10. Graduate Defense Seminar

    cost. In exchange for the financial incentive involved, farmers commit to carry out best management ... programs like Water Quality Trading (WQT). WQT is a voluntary approach that aims to help point source of ... pollution (sources with a well-designed point of discharge) to meet the State's water quality ...
