
Search results

  1. Planting Scabby Wheat

    suggest not using your scabby wheat for seed. However, if you absolutely HAVE to plant scabby wheat, ... has caused producers to be concerned about grain quality even in fields without high levels of scab. ... fall. Yes, scab will indeed reduce seed quality tremendously, causing germination rates and stands to ...

  2. Honors Graduation Student Breakfast

    At the Honors Breakfast the college will recognize and distribute the honors cords for those ... Agricultural Administration Building. The doors to the Auditorium will open at 7:00 a.m. The graduate and six ... guests can attend for no charge–compliments of the Academic Programs Office and the College Alumni ...

  3. Corn Silking in Some Fields

    conditions, pollen grain remains viable for only 18 to 24 hours. However, the pollen grain starts growth of ... all silks will emerge and be ready for pollination within 3 to 5 days and this usually provides ... adequate time for all silks to be pollinated before pollen shed ceases.  Pollen of a given plant rarely ...

  4. Bob Gustafson Wins Ohio State Distinguished Faculty Service Award

    Ohio State’s  President and Provost's Award for Distinguished Faculty Service.  The award honors ... faculty members whose contributions to the development and implementation of university policies and ... quality of the university.  The recipients also have continued to provide effective teaching and have ...

  5. Salsa Canning Demonstration

    Salsa Canning Demonstration, Join us for a home canning class on waterbath canning. Patrice ... salsa. The class will address: Basic food safety principles Why a water bath canner is a safe method for ...

  6. Wheat Approaching Critical Heading and Flowering Growth Stages

    increase the risk for scab, particularly if it continues to rain. Continue to use the scab prediction tool ... This week, wheat is heading or will begin to head in fields across Ohio, particularly in southern ... week. This is the time to begin thinking about head scab and its management with fungicide. Heads are ...

  7. Department of Food, Agricultural & Biological Engineering Spring Banquet   *Sponsoring a Student $5 will sponsor one student to attend the departmental banquet for free. ... and recognition will be given to seniors graduation in 2014, faculty, staff, and Department ... affiliates. All are welcome to attend. 5:30 p.m. – Check-in and appetizers 6 – 9 p.m. – Dinner and program ...

  8. Downy Mildew and Bacterial Pustule on Soybean

    the pustule tends to be much smaller.  Again, for both of these pathogens, downy mildew and bacterial ... Both are considered minor diseases as yield reductions have been minor or difficult to document.  ... some of this is due to the cool nights, misty weather we have had this summer.   Symptoms of downy ...

  9. Tri-state Yield Monitor Workshop

    A Yield Monitor Data Workshop is scheduled for Tuesday August 25 th  and Wednesday the 26 th  in ... the basics of yield monitors and what is necessary to effectively use the extensive amount of data ... with questions. TOPICS TO BE COVERED INCLUDE: Current State of Precision Agriculture Making Yield Data ...

  10. Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop- Ottawa

    Templates as approved tools for development of Fertilizer Only or Precision Fertilizer Only Nutrient ... Management Plans for NRCS programs such as EQUIP. Fertility ...
