
Search results

  1. Cressleaf Groundsel in Wheat and Hay

    the first cutting.  However, it is advisable to scout fields in late fall for the presence of newly ... wheat field is probably not cause for concern, producers are advised to avoid harvesting areas of the ... It’s definitely a big year for cressleaf groundsel (Senecio glabellus), that yellow-flowered weed ...

  2. Post Home Purchase Class


  3. Good harvest weather this week with worsening harvest weather next week

    Precipitation:  We will be slowly transitioning from the drier first half of fall to a wetter pattern over the ... There has been some patchy frost to this point but nothing real significant. Typically we see our first ... freeze about now. It appears the first freeze may come sometime next week at least to some of the area ...

  4. Flooding and ponding injury to corn-- "Muddied Corn"

    to emerge are the most important for the corn plant because the upper canopy produces most of the ... may be covered to varying degrees with a layer of mud. Will corn plants covered by a layer of mud ... positive side, most corn in Ohio was at a stage of growth less vulnerable to flood damage when it occurred. ...

  5. How Much Fall-Applied Manure Nitrogen will be Available for the 2016 Crop?

    will allow the manure to stay put for a longer time period. The organic portions of the manure nitrogen ... Most parts of Ohio have had an excellent fall and early winter time period for manure application. ... The long fall window to apply manure should reduce the amount to be applied during the winter months. ...

  6. Potato Leafhopper in Alfalfa

    for new seedings made this year. Consider lowering the threshold to half the normal level for new ... numbers. Our data to date indicate the threshold for PLH resistant varieties in established stands is ... alfalfa is more than 7 days from a cut, a rule of thumb threshold for plants under normal stress is:  when ...

  7. Ohio Beef School

    'live' and in person from the Ag Center in Fairfield County! This will be the second session of three for ... ...

  8. Dog Informational Meeting / Clinic / Quality Assurance


  9. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions— Focus on Variety Selection

    a bit, but it is always there, in wait for the highly susceptible variety and the perfect environment to ... thing to do is to rotate out of soybeans.  Wheat and corn make great rotation crops for these ... a different variety, move the resistance to frogeye as the main selection factor for variety selection for ...

  10. Frost Seeding to Improve Pasture and Hayfield Quality

    and early spring help to move the seed into good contact with the soil. A basic requirement for frost ... are at risk for weed invasion, but again, the seed needs to get down to soil level. In general, ... second year after frost seeding. This works well for most common varieties of red clover as they begin to ...
