
Search results

  1. Challenges and Opportunities: Achieving Ohio's Clean Energy Potential

    Join your colleagues in the environmental and natural resources community for netwroking, great ... Council. You must register to attend the breakfasts. Registration and payment information may be found ...

  2. Tutoring

    ads for tutors around campus and in the Lantern. Check with a few tutors to compare prices and ... assistant first to see if they can offer you some additional help. If they have office hours, go to them. ... While private tutors are helpful, your instructors understand what you need to know best and how you are ...

  3. Poultry Science Club Easter Egg Hunt

    the FAES campus and bring them to the Poultry Science Club table at Kottman Hall in the lobby from ... 12-4 PM on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday for a prize. Limit one egg per person per day please. Happy ...

  4. 'You feel like family': 4-H'er to intern in Japan

    When Erin Hope was 12 years old, her mother saw a flier for an international exchange program ... later, Hope is about to embark on another adventure: She was selected to be one of three interns from the ... includes homestay and academic exchange programs for young people in Japan, the U.S., Canada, Australia, ...

  5. Now is the Time to Fine Tune Your Sprayer

    Higher pesticide costs and new chemicals designed to be used in lower doses make accurate ... application more important than ever. There is no better time than early spring to take a closer look at your ... sprayer. Here are some of the things I would check on a sprayer to achieve efficient and effective ...

  6. Boost to brewing biogas: OARDC receives $6.5 million grant to further develop new system

     (BRDI), the three-year grant will also allow researchers to develop technology for converting biogas to ... Department of Energy to test and expand OARDC-developed technology that can produce biogas from a variety of ... project's main goal is to enhance the integrated anaerobic digestion system (i AD s), a patent-pending ...

  7. The 2014 Overholt Drainage School will be held March 10-14, 2014

    Drainage School is organized to provide continuing education for land improvement contractors, soil and ... advancing their knowledge of basic concepts, principles, and skills related to the purpose, design, layout, ... construction, and management of Soil and Water Conservation Systems. The School has been taught for over 50 ...

  8. We Want to Know

    In honor of Fallfest tickets going on sale, share your Homecoming memories with us. Tell us your story, and we will share a few in the next issue. ...

  9. Weather Outlook for the First Half of June

    1-2 degrees cooler than normal for the first half of June after a warmer than average finish to May. ... Valley in the target zone which will bring a more active pattern to the region.  Temperatures will turn ... Rainfall will average 2-3 inches for the first half of June across Ohio with the range from 1-4 inches. ...

  10. Take part in Plant Pathology's 50th Anniversary celebrations

    and an informal visit to the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) in Wooster on ...
