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  1. Office Closed

    assisting with Project Pride Day. We apologize for any inconvenience. ...

  2. Variety Selection/Seed Treatments Key to Managing Soybean Pathogens

    thinking about choosing the right soybean varieties for next season to help manage the myriad of diseases ... resistance package in the variety." Dorrance encourages growers to also look to partial resistance for ... October 28, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio – With soybean harvest nearly complete, now's the time to be ...

  3. Apples on Their Way to an Early Harvest

    3 percent to 4 percent more apples being graded out for juice production. "Normally only 7 percent to ... August 4, 2004 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Early bloom and favorable weather are driving apples to an early ... later-maturing varieties that are harvested in September and Octobert to see an early harvest as well. "Many ...

  4. Aging In-Service

    Topics in Gerontology (presentation) Roundtable discussion Click here to register by February 7, 2016. ...

  5. Safety Important Even with Manure Management

    attention to safety takes a back seat to the ease and efficiency of operating farm machinery. A team of ... same: Safety comes first. "When you are working with mechanized equipment, you have to respect it ... for the hazards that are potentially present," said Dee Jepsen, who also holds an appointment ...

  6. Easter Chicks and Ducklings: Cute Presents Could Carry Dangerous Salmonella

    April 2, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio — Chicks and ducklings can bring smiles to kids this Easter ... that is particularly dangerous to young children. So says Jeff LeJeune, an Ohio State University ... explained parents need to be aware of the risks associated with handling young poultry or fowl and make sure ...

  7. Composting Boosts Turfgrass Growth

    due to a slower germination period for Kentucky bluegrass. Boehm speculates that other composts, such ... are," said Boehm. "Our goal is to develop a sustainable agriculture guide for homeowners that ... planted is depleted of nutrients, and is weakened and becomes more susceptible to diseases," said ...

  8. Rodewald Receives 2007 OARDC Junior Faculty Research Award; Wildlife Ecologist Tackles Emerging Conservation Issues

    emerging issues in conservation, Rodewald seeks to identify the ecological mechanisms that govern ... multi-scale responses of animal communities to disturbances, especially those resulting from forest-management ... activities and urbanization. The annual research award — consisting of a plaque, $1,000 to the winner ...

  9. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Eating (Low-fat, High-carb) (Gag) Slugs (for the Week of May 11, 2008)

    written at, to and for a 4th-grade reading level. For details, to ask Twig a question, and/or to receive ... slugs? The thought makes most of the humans I know gag. But actually there are recipes. I found one, for ... instance, for, yum, slug fritters. And check this out from the New York Times: California's giant ...

  10. Farmers Can Take Steps to Decrease Manure Pathogens in Runoff

    took the study one step further to look for ways to keep Cryptosporidium in the soil and found that ... manure as a fertilizer to their no-till field can decrease the chance that pathogens end up in runoff and ... "We found that the macropores extend from the soil surface right down to the tile drains so the ...
