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  1. Researchers Eyeing New Small Fruit Opportunities

    providing economic opportunities for farmers throughout southern Ohio while giving consumers more unique ... said Brown. " Ribes production is an opportunity to help farmers in Appalachian Ohio produce an ... alternative fruit crop that can be sold at markets as fresh berries, in baked goods, for jams and jellies, and ...

  2. Ohio State to Implement Sheep Tail Docking Program

    "But that is not for us to tell producers what they should do. We are trying to put ourselves in the ... July 15, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Producers, livestock exhibitors and youth will be introduced to ... researchers with the Department of Animal Sciences and College of Veterinary Medicine have joined forces to ...

  3. Hardy by Their Nature: OARDC Heirloom Roses Survive Tornado

    efforts. Go to for more information, or call 330-464-2148. OARDC is ... center. “Many of the large roses are lying horizontal and will have to be cut back, and hopefully ... heirloom roses for, among other things, their ease of care, extended bloom times and all-round hardy ...

  4. Don't Count Wheat Out Just Yet

    April 25, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- Unseasonably warm temperatures to kick off spring in Ohio have given ... salvaged to produce a decent crop. Pat Lipps, an Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist and ... for good yields. "There's a lot of variability between fields and even within fields with ...

  5. It's Gypsy Moth Time Again

    as adults in July. For more information about ODA's suppression treatments, log on to ... officials speculate the invasive insects will continue to spread throughout the southeastern half of the ... to accurately time management practices. "Gypsy moth eggs begin hatching when redbud trees ...

  6. Food Dialogues Reach Farm Science Review Attendees via Satellite and Twitter

    satellite and Twitter (#foodd) with farmers and consumers to discuss concerns about water and land ... Ohio. “There’s a growing willingness by farmers to open up and be more transparent to consumers,” said ... sat on the Washington, D.C. panel. In addition to transparency, panelists participating from the ...

  7. Grow Fruits and Vegetables Anywhere With a Compost Sock

    crop production." If successful, the technology could be a way for communities to promote urban ... technology that could make fruits and vegetables accessible to anyone, anywhere.   Researchers are using ... a compost sock system as a growth medium and comparing the crop's performance to in-ground high tunnel ...

  8. Winter Wheat Acreage Down in Ohio

    are accustomed to. "Based on the yield potential for this year, it'll be interesting to see ... eight-percent drop compared to last year, according to the United States Department of Agriculture's Winter ... the 1,120 acres of wheat planted in 2000. "It is my estimation, and I hate to say this," ...

  9. New Pest Found in Ohio Soybeans

    Report any findings to Ron Hammond at or (330) 263-3727. For more information on the ... not its presence will be a problem remains to be seen.   Ron Hammond, an Ohio State University ... year to determine how common the pest will become and whether or not it will cause any damage to ...

  10. Learn More about Managing Livestock Facilities at Farm Science Review

    upwards of 140,000 visitors from all over the country and Canada, who come for three days to peruse 4,000 ... ventilated livestock buildings that simulates various ventilation system scenarios. The idea is to aid ... London, Ohio. "Most modern swine facilities depend on mechanical ventilation to make animals as ...
