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AEDE's Global Reach
Use our interactive map below to learn about the activities of AEDE's faculty, staff and ... students during the summer of 2013. From traveling in China and Spain to hosting workshops at home in Ohio, ...
Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability (EEDS) Student Trip to Alcoa
Students in the Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability (EEDS) major will travel to ... the Alcoa plant in Cleveland, Ohio to witness the company's sustainable business practices. They ...
Carl Zulauf to speak at "2014 Farm Bill: How Does It Affect You?"
Carl Zulauf to speak at "2014 Farm Bill: How Does It Affect You?"
Carl Zulauf to speak at "2014 Farm Bill: How Does It Affect You?"
Carl Zulauf to speak at "2014 Farm Bill: How Does It Affect You?"
U.S. dairy markets and policy update
Elena Irwin to Speak at George Washington University's Sustainable Urban Planning Research Symposium
at local and regional scales. To learn more about the event, see the George Washington University ...
Meet Sarah- Agribusiness and Applied Economics Student
Agribusiness and Applied Economics major, she's able to combine her loves and career aspirations of ...
The Value of Water as an Urban Club Good: A Matching Approach to Community-Provided Lakes
to Community-Provided Lakes. ” JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT. Vol. 62, no. 2: ...