
Search results

  1. CFAES We're The Ones

    For more information: ...

  2. Ohio's Corn Crop Parched

    sugars for the plant to actively grow. The result could be stunted plants later in the season." ... is also suffering due to the dry weather. Precipitation across Ohio has been below normal for this ... That all hurts yield potential." Corn is anywhere from the V-5 to V-9 stage of development (where ...

  3. Four-Season High Tunnel Workshop Offered

    For more information, contact Matt Kleinhenz at 330-263-3810 or e-mail To ... in expanding high tunnel production have the opportunity to attend a "Four-Season High Tunnel ... refreshments. The hands-on interactive program will cover aspects of spring to fall and fall to spring high ...

  4. Exercise Caution When Applying Pop-Up Starter Fertilizer

    germination problems for two reasons. One is the effect from salt; it inhibits the seed's ability to take ... does for the producer is it buys him time. We have found that if you delay sidedress to V-8 growth ... following year. Too many environmental variations are involved for farmers to risk taking a significant hit ...

  5. Researchers Taking Three-Pronged Approach to Flooding/Disease Impacts on Soybeans

    enhanced grain yield. These lines will be tested for tolerance to flooding and drought. Lastly, researchers ... July 15, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio – Farmers' hands are tied when it comes to managing soybean ... injury related to soil flooding and water-loving root rot diseases, but after several years of research ...

  6. Shearer Joins Ohio State as Chair of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

    State, and I'm looking forward to finding ways to make it even stronger," Shearer said. ... "Our profession has the expertise to address many of the problems facing society when it comes to ... meeting both food and energy needs in an environmentally conscious and sustainable manner. To do this will ...

  7. Turfgrass Research Field Day, Columbus

    Registration Fee: $40 for OTF members, $60 for non-members. Information: ohioturfgrass ...

  8. Home Gardener Lecture- The Frugal Gardener

    Designing & Planting Containers to conserve space and boost production Cindy Bench, Bench's ... Greenhouse and Nursery Make It- Take It Projects Fun hands-on ideas to reduce, reuse & recycle in the ... garden   Registration Fee is $15.00.  To register email Amy Stone at or call ...

  9. Using Ohio Proud for Your Food and Ag Business Webinar

    Using Ohio Proud for Your Food and Ag Business Webinar,  ...

  10. OSU Soil Scientist Gets Glimpse of Soviet Ag System; Receives Honorary Degree

    opportunities for faculty and student exchanges, which he hopes to pursue in the near future. This is Lal's ... October 26, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio – It's not everyday one gets the chance to view agricultural ... opportunity when he recently traveled to the Republic of Moldova, a small landlocked Eastern European nation ...
