
Search results

  1. 'Whiz Bang Science Show' Is Thursday (6/10) in Secrest Arboretum

    Dave” Lohnes of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), is free for kids of all ... show aims to “excite kids and spark a deep interest in science.” Find Secrest Arboretum on ... miles from the main campus entrance. Call 330-464-2148 or 330-263-3700 for more information or in case ...

  2. Organic Mulches May Restore Fertility of Degraded Soils

    by trying to determine if organic mulches can create the same cascade of effects in subsoil. "We ... think certain mulches have the potential to function as organic fertilizers and pesticides in highly ... carbon-nitrogen ratio, meaning that enough nutrients exist in the mulch to support the needs of both plants and ...

  3. Dr. Dennis Heldman Receives Carl R. Fellers Achievement Award

    Congratulations to Professor Denny Heldman who is this year’s winner of the Institute of Food ... This award honors a member of IFT and Phi Tau Sigma who has brought honor and recognition to the ...

  4. Raspberry Cultivars Vary in Nutrient/Cancer-Fighting Components

    For example, in comparison to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database, freeze-dried ... March 26, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Red raspberry cultivars have been found to contain varying levels ... of nutrient components and antioxidants, opening the doors to grow and market fruits that pack the ...

  5. Wheat Crop Looking Good

    October 28, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio – With nearly all of Ohio's winter wheat planted, according to ... the Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service, farmers are on track for a potentially successful crop. ... could potentially lead to some disease problems in the spring due to fall establishment of some ...

  6. Media Advisory: Meeting Features Arsenal of Educational Tools in Insect, Disease Fight

    invited to attend part, or all, of the event. For more information, contact Nancy Taylor with the C. Wayne ... Columbus. The afternoon sessions will move to Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, on Ohio State's College ... Extension/Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center plant pathologist. • 11 a.m.: Using Phenology to ...

  7. Insect Pest Not So Pesky

    considerable damage the insect can do to strawberry plants, entomologists have found that the strawberry bud ... weevil, commonly known as the clipper, restricts its range along a field's edge, making it easier to ... found that the damage the insect does to a bud may contribute to an increase in the size of the fruit ...

  8. WIN a FREE T-shirt by completing an online ATV course

    certificate to Kathy Mann at 590 Woody Hayes Dr. Columbus OH 43210 and receive your FREE Ohio 4-H ATV Safety ... Team t-shirt! HAVE FUN! The course takes about an hour to complete. If you have any questions, please ...

  9. OSU Extension Master Gardeners Sponsoring Free Presentation on Ash Seed Collection and Preservation

    ash tree population, efforts are underway to save the species through seed collection and ... the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, Colo. Volunteers play a big ... process. Emerald ash borer, introduced to the United States in 2001, has killed nearly 30 million ash trees ...

  10. Flower Shop and Greenhouse Annual Holiday Sale

    of OARDC * Follow the signs Call us for details: 330-287-1227   ...
