
Search results

  1. Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute Session 3

    around energy supply and demand in Ohio. Panelists will share their approach to ensuring a sustainable ... energy supply for Ohio. Panelists include: Sara Ward, Executive Director, Ohio Interfaith Power and ... afternoon session. Contact  Anne Baird  for additional information. ...

  2. Jazz Glastra's Graduate Defense Seminar

    penalties in the East and Southeast. In addition, the wage penalties for Latinos and undocumented workers ...

  3. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: A Study of End-use of Brownfield Redevelopment Projects in Ohio

    communities compete for grants to acquire, demolish, cleanup, and improve infrastructure on brownfields ... brownfields are defined as abandoned or underutilized properties, including but not limited to industrial and ... properties. The objective of my research was to determine what types of end-use those projects had, what ...

  4. Updating Ohio’s Phosphorus Risk Index


  5. Dean McPheron's September update from The Farm Science Review


  6. How to Keep Your Poinsettia Looking Its Best


  7. Study & Work Abroad Panel

    5 professionals who have experienced it firsthand. Stay after the panel discussion for pizza and networking! ...

  8. Acidified Food Better Process Control School, Columbus

    FDA, USDA, and FSIS required course for processors of acidified foods. Registration: $400 by May ...

  9. History

    impacts local, state, national, and global communities. Our goal is to be the standard of excellence for ... Lincoln on July 2, 1862. This legislation revolutionized the nation’s approach to higher education, ... bringing a college degree within reach of all high school graduates. The Morrill Act paved the way for the ...

  10. College Alumni Profile: Chad Endsley

    Chad Endsley, General Counsel for the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, and graduate of The Ohio State ...
