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Drift Happens! Train the Trainer Workshop- April 20th
workshop on April 20th from 9 am to 3 pm at the OARDC Weed Lab (Room 200 FABE) in Wooster. Instructors ... issues. Lunch and coffee will be provided. Cost will be $20. Participation limited to 20-25 people. Weed ...
AEDE Announces 2011 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation and Master's Thesis
Outstanding Master’s Thesis was awarded to Bernadette Chewe Chimai for “Determinants of Technical Efficiency ... Agricultural Economics Association for their national competition. Congratulations and best of luck to Carolina ... in Smallholder Sorghum Farming in Zambia.” Both papers have been submitted to the American ...
This Might end up being a Low Foliar Disease Year in Corn
concerned about the potential for major epidemics of these diseases in 2015. However, conditions have since ... spread to the upper leaves. Even NCLB, a disease known to affect the upper leaves during the last two ... months of the season, appears to be low in 2015. Typical lesions of GLS are rectangular in shape and are ...
We have Nematodes in our Corn Fields
surveyed for plant-parasitic nematodes during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. In each year, soil samples ... identified and counted. Ten major morphological types were found, with populations ranging from 0 to 1,164 ... rotation practices. Dagger and ring nematodes tended to be more common in soil region 6, whereas lance, ...
Professor Mario Miranda Receives AAEA 2017 Fellow Award
years working as an agricultural economist, researcher and teacher. The profession has allowed him to ...
Growing Season Adversely Affected Ear Development
are the last to be pollinated and cannot compete as effectively for nutrients as kernels formed ... Excessive rainfall (which contributed to N loss and poor root development) followed by late season ... kernel development is associated with variability in plant growth within fields that is related to ...
Ohio State Research Shows Substantial Link Between State-level Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards and Reduced Carbon Emissions
April as a discussion paper by Washington, D.C.-based Resources for the Future, is the first to look at ... implications for carbon intensity, which Sekar and Sohngen’s research aimed to do. One reason earlier studies ... the long run, for continued economic growth, the only way to reduce overall carbon emissions at both ...
Economics of Technology Acceptance and Agricultural Producer Self-Regulation Assessment
production and processing sectors call for society to follow “science-based decisions” and to support ... need for additional economic research on the topic. This event is open to the public and RSVPs are ... accurately be described as “science working” being a necessary but no longer sufficient condition for ...
interested to hear of any larvae found feeding on ears, which can be observed for the next month or so, ... Ohio had a dramatic increase in the number of adults, probably due to several weather systems coming ... before larvae drop to the ground to overwinter. ...
Weather Outlook Remains Unchanged
Temperatures will remain below normal for the remainder of March and likely into a good part of ... April 20 to closer to May 1. However, these freeze temperatures tend to be less at that point as ... forecast to be a few weeks behind normal too due to the cold winter and early spring. Winters similar to ...