
Search results

  1. Breathe Easy Cigarette Cleanup, Columbus

    Breathe Easy Cigarette Cleanup,, We will meet at the Union Plaza and then split off into teams to ... go to different "hot spots" on campus that have a high amount of cigarette butts. ...

  2. Intra-industry Trade between Brazil and OECD Countries: Decomposition and Its Main Determinants

    countries for the period 2000-2009. Specifically, we decompose the intra-industry bilateral trade (IIT) and ... with Brazil. Additionally, we found vertical intra-industry trade (VIIT) to be larger than the ... econometric model to investigate the main determinants of VIIT. The empirical results show that endowment ...

  3. Student Service Center Open House

    Invited! Please join us on January 24th for an open house for our new Student Service Center. The AEDE ... Student Service Center, which launched in early 2014, provides academic support services to all ... undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in AEDE’s programs. The Center serves as a one-stop shop for all ...

  4. Lawrence (Larry) W. Libby

    holder of the C. William Swank Chair in Rural-Urban Policy  in AEDE from 1997 to 2005. He then was ...

  5. Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    series of ten evening workshops and a Sunday field trip is designed to help individuals learn how to ...

  6. Urban Agriculture

    new tricks. They are reclaiming open space in urban areas in order to grow food for residents of those ... also presents opportunities for farmers to develop production close to their customer base on ... relatively inexpensive land, and to hire workers that live in the area. In brief, opportunities abound for ...

  7. Winter Solstice and Candlelit Labyrinth Walk

    The walk celebrates the winter solstice and aims to share what walking a labyrinth can do for body and ...

  8. AEDE Alumnus Vice Admiral Thomas R. Wilson receives 2011 Alumni Medalist Award

    The department is honored to recognize AEDE alumnus Vice Admiral Thomas R. Wilson, chosen by The ... Ohio State University Alumni Association for the 2011 Alumni Medalist Award. Wilson graduated from OSU ... Agency.   The Alumni Medalist Award for national or international career achievement is the single highest ...

  9. Dr. Hanping Wang Visited Benha University and WorldFish Center in Egypt

    DC, Dr. Hanping Wang recently visited Benha University in Cairo to discuss and enhance future ... aquaculture to reduce hunger and poverty. Dr. Wang met Dr. Gamal Nagar, the center director, Dr. Malcolm ... aquaculture. In addition, Dr. Wang visited the Egyptian Center for Aquaculture Research, and three fish farms. ...

  10. Farm Management School, Greenville

    Farm Management School, Repeats every week 5 times. Learn how to become financially savvy and how ... to make their agricultural operations successful.  ...
