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  1. April Webinar by Dean McPheron

    Monthly webinar for faculty and staff by Vice President and Dean Bruce McPheron. Participate ...

  2. Gallia County Soil and Water Recycle Day


  3. March Webinar by Dean McPheron

    Monthly webinar for faculty and staff by Vice President and Dean Bruce McPheron. Participate ...

  4. Soybeans Shine Amid A Questionable Season

    released, Beuerlein believes the state managed to maintain the U.S. Department of Agriculture's ... central and northeast regions of the state saw below-average yields due to drought conditions experienced ... but the area up north saw up to 7 inches below normal of rain during the months of July, August and ...

  5. Gallia County Junior Fair Board

    Meets on the Third Thursday Monthly ...

  6. Gallia County Jr Fair Youthboard

    Meets on the Second Sunday of the Month ...

  7. Gallia County Farmers Market


  8. Dean McPheron’s February webinar

      Monthly webinar for faculty and staff by Vice President and Dean Bruce McPheron. Participate ...

  9. Dean McPheron's January webinar

    Monthly webinar for faculty and staff by Vice President and Dean Bruce McPheron. Participate ...

  10. Ohio State Ag Alumni Honor Long-time Leading Turkey Researcher

    earned his doctorate in poultry genetics from Ohio State in 1964 then worked for the university’s ... honored for his achievements in improving turkey breeding lines, specifically in the areas of body weight, ... demand for use in research studies around the world. Nestor joined OARDC as an assistant instructor in ...
