
Search results

  1. Graduate Defense Seminar

    cost. In exchange for the financial incentive involved, farmers commit to carry out best management ... programs like Water Quality Trading (WQT). WQT is a voluntary approach that aims to help point source of ... pollution (sources with a well-designed point of discharge) to meet the State's water quality ...

  2. HCS Spring Seminar, Columbus

    HCS Spring Seminar, “Utilizing genomic selection to accelerate the pace of developing FHB ...

  3. New Student Welcome

    We want to make sure you have everything you need for a successful start to your semester, and look ... New to the School of Environment and Natural Resources? Join us at the New Student Welcome! When: ... scoop on being a student in SENR! Join us for food and conversation at the New Student Welcome. ...

  4. Student Profile: Miranda McClendon

    Miranda talks about her decision to come to The Ohio State University, and about the great ...

  5. Small Farm Conference & Trade Show, Wooster

    Small Farm Conference & Trade Show, Designed to help make landowners and small farm operations ...

  6. Marketing Educational Program, Stow

    Marketing Educational Program, Learn about low- or no-cost ways to effectively promote their ...

  7. Leadership Center workshop: Mission Possible: Positive Leadership (online)

    for this workshop. For more information, see ...

  8. Forest Health: Non-native Invasive Plants, Kirtland

    which plants should be on a landowners removal list, and how to get that done.  ...

  9. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    describe: Predicted climate for the Maumee Basin through 2099 How climate change is likely to affect river ... larger, there are few studies linking predicted climate and watershed models to examine this issue. This ... models and HABs models to predict the frequency and magnitude of HABs through 2099.

This webinar will ...

  10. CFAES Research Forum

    Participating in the CFAES forum allows you to share research specifically with members of our ... college and prepare for the Denman. The registration deadline is January 31. Read  here  for more details. ...
