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  1. Baby Beef Organization Meeting


  2. Market Chicken & Market Rabbit possession deadline for Pickaway Co Fair


  3. Last day to sign up for "Jars" FCS Workshop on Saturday, January 24


  4. EBT Resources

    EBT Resources Utilizing Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefits is a way to both increase the dollars coming into your market and increase the number of consumers at markets.   Accepting SNAP ...

  5. Hops

    OSU Extension Hops Team Learn more about the Hops research being conducted and its impacts on Ohio's brewing industry. Visit the website! Staff Brad Bergefurd Extension Educator, Horticulture Specialist 740-289-2071 ext. 136 Email Brad Hops News Ohio ...

  6. Grants

    Grants Grants are typically very rare. The reality is that 95% of small businesses are started with personal savings, loans from friends and family, or commercial loans.  Some grants are available but are designed for very specific programs and industries ...

  7. Success Stories

    Success Stories Please click on the links below for a few of our recent success stories written by Kimberly Roush.   Iso-Aquatics Tim's Woodshop Roy Noel Ohio International Lumber, LLC Creative Arts Geo-Tech EVIS Silver Bridge Coffee  Saucy Sows Patt ...

  8. Pickaway County 4-H Committee Meeting


  9. Teen Awards & Opportunities Applications Available


  10. 2016 4-H Club Packets Available

