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Spider Mites in Corn
Normally we only worry about spider mites in soybean, but when conditions are just wrong they can impact corn as well. Corn that has been treated with some fungicides and insecticides (particularly a broad-spectrum pyrethroid) are more likely to experien ...
Contract Termination- The Big Data Confusion: Part 12
Termination signifies ending an obligation under a contract. Sometimes, terminating a contract can be a difficult process. Verbiage used within a contract about terminating can vary as it relates to the ability of the customer to cancel the contract or se ...
Bt Resistance in Western Corn Rootworm—The 3rd Shoe Has Dropped
Western corn rootworm is a highly adaptable insect, and it was just a matter of time before we saw resistance to Bt traits designed to protect against root damage. In the Western Corn Belt, growers have noticed many field failures due to heavy rootworm f ...
Backyard Chicken Basics
If you are new to having a small flock or backyard chickens or if you have an interest in rearing chickens and don’t know where to start, plan on attending the Beginning Backyard Chickens class being held on April 12 at 6:00 pm in Room B100 of the Coshoct ...
Reminder –Western Agricultural Research Station to have Two Field Days Next Week
One of the premier agronomic research stations of Ohio State University and OARDC, the Western Agricultural Research Branch, will be having two field days next week. Local equipment suppliers will be on-hand with in-field demonstrations for both events. ...
Corn Pollination Underway in Early Planted Fields
According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service for the week ending 7-10-16, 7% of the state’s corn was silking compared to 17% for the 5-year average. Given the range in corn planting dates this year, some late planted (corn planted in early- ...
Northwest Ohio Precision Ag Sprayer Clinic and Recert- August 9th
Farmers, retailers and crop consultants interested in seeing the latest sprayer equipment and precision application technology for commercial agriculture are encouraged to attend the Tuesday, August 9th NW Ohio Precision Ag Sprayer Day at the Fulton Count ...
Agronomy Field Day at South Charleston
Producers and industry agronomists are invited to attend the Western ARS Agronomy Field Day, Wednesday, July 20, 2016 – 9AM to 3:15PM. We plan to start registration at 8:30. With the program starting at 9 AM. Speakers planned for the day include: Peter ...
Pesticide Applicator Field Day
Private and Commercial pesticide applicator license holders can receive recertification credits on July 22 at a hands-on field day. This on-farm field day in St. Paris, Ohio will feature state specialists and in-field training on pesticide education. Dr. ...