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  1. The Big Data Confusion: Part 2- Education

    This week’s topic in “The Big Data Confusion” series touches on the importance of education.  According to the Privacy and Security Principles for Farm Data, “ Grower education is valuable to ensure clarity between all parties and stakeholders. Grower org ...

  2. When is the Best Time to Apply N to Wheat

    For any N application the question to ask is, “When does the crop need N?” Wheat does not require large amounts of N until stem elongation/jointing (Feekes Growth Stage 6), which is the middle or the end of April depending on the location in the state and ...

  3. OSUE Annual Conference

    Our three-day Annual Conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to: Share and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university ...

  4. Holiday- Veterans Day

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...

  5. 2016-07


  6. American Farm Bureau Conducting Big Data Survey

    The agriculture technology sector continues to be troubled with “big data” being of interest to many in and out of agriculture.  A recent report indicated that 2015 agriculture technology investment doubled from the $2.36B (billion dollars) that was obser ...

  7. The Big Data Confusion: Answering Your Questions about Digital Agriculture

    Digital Agriculture includes large collections of farm data being used by farmers, companies, and government agencies to aid in decision making related to crop production and farm management.  It can also be used as a way to better predict nutrient availa ...

  8. The Process of Harvesting Miscanthus in Northeast Ohio

    Even though it is wintertime in Northeast Ohio, there is still plenty of action going on in our county’s agriculture industry.  Over the past two weeks, miscanthus harvest has begun in Northeast, Ohio.  Early reports are that nearly 350 acres (or almost 1 ...

  9. Conservation Tillage Conference Provides Answers

    Looking for ways to reduce costs, but keep profit margins steady?  Have you thought about how you might increase soybean yields without paying for additional inputs?  Can precision fertility work for your farm to increase production while at the same time ...

  10. Wheel Traffic Effect on Alfalfa Yield – Soil Compaction or Crown/Shoot Damage?

    Wheel traffic is a necessity for the production of alfalfa.  Regardless of the harvest method (green chopped or dry bales) producers must make decisions of when and how to drive equipment on alfalfa fields.  Early studies demonstrated that as much as 70% ...
